Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Quite Possibly Becoming an Insomniac

So I haven't been sleeping well lately. Tonight (or should I say last night/this morning) is particularly bad for two reasons. First, my stomach is terribly upset, and second, my mind is buzzing with ideas for a business concept that developed out of nowhere earlier today...I mean yesterday.

So here I am, borderline ADD, flipping from Twitter to Blogger to Word, attempting to commit this business concept to paper while the ideas are still fresh in my head. The alarm will sound in less than 90 minutes. I actually feel OK right now, but will probably hit a brick wall at some point this afternoon. Not looking forward to that.

I am a bit worried about my recent sleeping problems. Normally I have difficulty waking up, not the other way around. Is this a symptom of age? If I'm not sleeping at 31, where the hell do I go from here? I foresee a Tylenol PM addiction in my future. :)

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